NA Structures is a manufacturer of top quality, custom off-site fabricated framing components that comes with related BIM and coordination services as part of the package. We are a service company that provides framing components whereas conventional suppliers of framing components offer no service BIM services.
Our process uses advanced technologies and a systems-based approach to planning and building custom homes.
Working with our team results in framing precision in less time and with less skilled labor. Our unique system used in planning the build, reduces greatly the risk of errors and costly delays while framing on site.
We offer a one-stop shop by supplying both lumber-based framing components and structural steel...from our in-house steel shop.
Our framing packages incude panelized walls, floor truss systems, plus hand-cut rafters and trusses. We also do all BIM work, 3d modeling and shop drawings related to the framing. And we take on the role of your 'back office' on your project including working with your HVAC constulatant to ensure everything will run where it needs to without risk of interference being found while framing.
We supply top tier builders across the US and in Canada.
Our production facility is certified ISO 9001 and our steel production is certified by the American Institute of Steel Construction.