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Chicago Build

Michael Kraus

Michael Kraus

Director of Sustainable Events and Analytics, Green Sports Alliance

Michael Kraus is a passionate advocate for waste diversion and sustainable events. Prior to Green Sports Alliance, co-founded two sustainability-focused companies that continue to serve partners across the United States. Michael lovingly referred to himself as the Chief Diversion Officer as the co-founder of Food Loops. What started out of a pick-up truck quickly grew to support sustainable events on a national scale. Michael and the Food Loops staff have helped to execute sustainable events with NASCAR, UCI, NCAA March Madness, LPGA, College Football Playoffs, and more.

Because Michael can’t get enough of spending time in dumpsters or with waste diversion, he co-founded another business called Anew Lumber Co, which started to divert lumber waste and resell materials from construction sites. The company has since pivoted into a construction and demolition recycling company.

Michael’s athletic claim to fame is he was on the Lady Razorback practice basketball team where he successfully tried to keep up. He lives in NW Arkansas with his wife Rachel and two kiddos; he loves chess, any sport involving a ball, and this planet.
